Medicine is fast advancing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for one to cover the full range of therapeutic and surgical options available. At the Meléndez Medical Center you will always find specialists with experience and training specific to your needs.

Pregnancy checks:
In the follow-up of normal or low-risk pregnancy, we will make a monthly visit to update our medical records, resolve any doubts that may arise, and perform a basic examination with weight and blood pressure measurement.
In the event that your pregnancy is high risk, the rate of visits will be similar. In addition to basic exploration, we will focus on the specific care required by your basic illness (always in collaboration with your specialist) or your obstetric disease (gestational diabetes, intrauterine growth retardation, hypertensive condition of the body). pregnancy, etc.).
Always with the degree of flexibility that your case requires.
We will also do three basic blood tests:
In the first trimester (8-13.6 weeks) we will evaluate, in addition to the basic full blood count, serologies, blood group and biochemical markers for the calculation of the risk of chromosomal anomalies (Downs, Edwards and Patau syndromes) that will be done in conjunction with the data we obtain on the first trimester ultrasound.
The second trimester blood test (24-28 weeks) will screen for gestational diabetes. That is why they will do the O'Sullivan test (in which you will have to take a preparation with 50g of glucose) and they will take you an hour later. You do not have to fast for this test.
In the case of a positive test, diabetes should be confirmed or ruled out by doing the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (after at least three days without dietary restriction of carbohydrates you will take one preparation with 100g of glucose and three extractions in three hours).
In the third trimester (35-37 weeks) we will re-evaluate the hemogram, coagulation tests and serologies (if applicable).
In addition, we will detect Streptococcus agalactiae through a vaginal and rectal culture (if positive, antibiotics will be given during labour).
The recommended ultrasounds during normal course pregnancy are three:
The first (11.2-13.6 weeks) aims to assess fetal vitality and number of fetuses, determination of gestational age and diagnosis of first trimester pathology.
The second (19-22 weeks) aims to evaluate fetal anatomy, the presence of chromosomal anomaly markers, and to monitor fetal growth.
The third (36-36 weeks) is useful for determining fetal static (fetal position) and growth control.
Low, medium and high risk pregnancy controls
High-level obstetric ultrasound
Prenatal diagnostic tests Chorionic villous sampling (CVS) / ammniocentesis / fetal DNA (Free Fetal DNA - Harmony test)
Help and assistance planning natural births
Postpartum control.

Gynecological checks
Gynecological ultrasound
Assessment of Menstrual problems
Benign gynecological pathology - Uterine Fibroids, ovarian cysts...
Conservative and surgical treatment of urine incontinence and prolapse,
Urodynamic studies, pelvic floor ultrasound.
Cervical and vulvar pathology
Colposcopy, prevention and treatment of pathology of the cervix Vulvar dermatological pathology Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain
Breast pathology
Other services and Specialties

- Physiotherapy
- Dietitian
- Psicology